Dirty South Hip Hop teams up with Embedded Records

Dirty South Hip Hop teams up with Embedded Records

ABOUT Dirty South Hip Hop

Dirty South Hip Hop is a “multi-faceted brand with a website, promotion, marketing and management company, and TV channel”.

Industry veteran and founder of the company, Marvin Shadi Powers, has an impressive and diverse portfolio within the entertainment business; he is a CEO, manager for Zairilla Bacon and The Marie Effect, Radio Host for BE 100 Radio, and an author.

The new record label, Embedded Records, is set to collaborate with Dirty South Hip Hop; seeing the combination of Embedded RecordsCEO Rufus Mcmillion join forces with Marvin Shadi Powers. The partnership will be based in Atlanta at their new headquarters.

A number of Premier artists have already been lined up as the Dirty South Hip Hop Online Media Group’s collaboration with Embedded Records continues to develop. Some of the artists include the likes of Gunnyimean, Yung the Giant, and Deeno The God.

After the website was brought back during the quarantine lockdown, dirtysouthhiphop.com has seen a 300% increase in online activity; showing impressive growth and a more expansive reach.

With the broad base of entertainment featured on dirtysouthhiphop.com, including Entertainment, Music, DSHHTV, Merch and Advertising, the new partnership will definitely see the company grow and expand quickly with the their joint “management, marketing and promotion”. In addition to their collaborative work within the music industry, Dirty South Hip Hop and Embedded Records are also expanding with other ventures; including a joint investment in the new book about OG Shadi Powers.

Make sure you follow Dirty South Hip Hop and Embedded Records on social media to keep up to date with the latest releases and artist news!