Kilo House - ‘The Witching Hour’


Our featured EP, ‘The Witching Hour’ by Kilo House, is OUT on the seventeenth of October and will be available to stream on all major streaming platforms!


Kilo House is a well established artist with a deathcore background who has already established himself in the music industry through his work with the Icon Collective. Kilo House’s approach to songwriting and production isn’t limited by a specific genre classification; amalgamating a variety of compositional elements from varying styles, focusing on bass music with “drop oriented tracks slamming your subwoofers…[putting] the fun back into your life”.

When it comes to music influences that have inspired Kilo House’s original style, bands like Blink 182 and $uicideBoy$ reinforce his “fuck it and just have fun” approach to songwriting. Although Kilo House is wheelchair bound, he refuses to let this impact upon his positive mental attitude, inspiring others and channeling his creative energy into original composition.

People take life way too seriously...I write the Trap music that I do to hopefully show my fans the fun nature that life truly has. Turn up, and then Stay up!
— Kilo House

Kilo House has six single/EPs in his online discography that date back to 2016: ‘Kilo all the Bells’ (2016), ‘R.U.N.’ (2020), ‘The Night He Came Home’ (2020), ‘Dance With The Devil’ (2020), ‘Imperial Trap’ (2020), and ‘The Children’ (2020). Some of his most successful tracks include the likes of ‘R.U.N.’, amassing almost fifty-seven thousand streams, ‘Imperial Trap’ with fifty-four thousand streams, and ‘The Children’, gathering over thirty-seven thousand streams.

With over sixty-seven thousand monthly listeners on Spotify alone, Kilo House has undeniably cultivated a loyal following of fans that continues to grow with each new release. With five of his six releases dropping in 2020, not to mention his upcoming EP that will be released on the seventeenth of October, fans of Kilo House will be eager to hear his latest project, along with the new listeners who will be sure to become Kilo House fans after hearing his latest work.


Our featured EP, ‘The Witching Hour’ by Kilo House, is out on the seventeenth of October and will be available to stream on all major streaming platforms! The EP consists of six unique tracks: ‘xXx Files (intro)’, ‘Demons’, ‘R.U.N’, ‘The Worst Nightmare Of All’, ‘The Night He Came Home’, ‘Mr. Sandman (Bonus Track)’.

xXx Files (intro)’ lasts one minute and twenty one seconds and sits in at around 140bpm. Sampling The X Files theme, Kilo House utilises eclectically panned instrumental layering to create a completely unique track that morphs into its own piece. An ominous outro kicks in from around the 1:09 mark; setting the tone for the proceeding tracks in the EP. ‘Demons’ lasts two minutes and forty-six seconds and sits at a steady 160bpm. The track commences with an eleven second instrumental build that implements a subtle crescendo which peaks at the 0:12 mark as the beat kicks in. The systematic use of effected vocals adds just the right amount of dynamic diversity to keep this track engaging from start to finish.

R.U.N’ lasts two minutes and twenty-eight seconds and sits at 150bpm. Commencing with a twelve second build, the main bass/beat combination provides the perfect platform for the main synth hook that sits prominently in the mix. Distorted percussive builds that lead to heavy sub-bass drops, check out the transition between 1:45 to 1:52, showcase Kilo House’s creative compositional talent. ‘The Worst Nightmare Of All’ lasts two minutes and fifty-seven seconds and sits at 135bpm. Beginning with an atmospherically effected keys line, Kilo House intentionally drops the main hook around fourteen seconds in. The use of vocal samples add to the dark melodic flow of the instrumentation and create an almost cinematic effect.

The Night He Came Home’ lasts two minutes and thirty-nine seconds and sits at 130bpm. Sampling the original Halloween theme, Kilo House impressively combines an eclectic beat with a foundational sub-bass to completely shift the rhythmic intensity of the original format from around the thirteen second mark. With a complete music drop from 1:18 to 1:22, Kilo House builds just the right amount of anticipation at roughly the middle point of the track, before the main hook instigates. A plethora of creative effects ensures that each progression within this piece is unique.

Mr. Sandman (Bonus Track)’ lasts three minutes and six seconds and sits at 130bpm. Sampling the iconic Mr. Sandman, Kilo House adds an ominous reverb that creates an atmospheric effect. The main bass/beat combination kicks in at the 0:37 mark alongside effected vocals; completely altering the original pattern with a smooth rhythmic flow. With multiple reversions back to the original sample, this track has turned the iconic theme into a completely fresh and authentic representation of Kilo House’s artistic talent.

From the creative melodic diversification and unique/stylistic songwriting approach, fans of Kilo House, as well as those who appreciate new music, will definitely want to hear this EP. Make sure you follow Kilo House on social media to keep up to date with upcoming releases and performances!


ARTIST: Kilo House

EP: The Witching Hour


Kilo House, Category: Artist, Singles: The Children, Imperial Trap, Dance With the Devil, The Night He Came Home, R.U.N., Top Tracks: Imperial Trap, The Children, R.U.N., Dance With the Devil, The Night He Came Home, Monthly Listeners: 59805, Where People Listen: Phoenix, Frankfurt am Main, Buffalo, London, New York City