Kulture Free-Dem - ‘Juss Barz’


Our featured single, ‘Juss Barz’ by Kulture Free-Dem, is out on the 19th of November and will be available to stream on all major streaming platforms!


Kulture Free-Dem is a well established rapper and artist who comes from the boroughs of New York City. Having always had a natural affinity for lyricism, Kulture Free-Dem began writing rhymes at the young age of seven. At nine, he won a Rap Contest at a St. Gabes event. By fourteen, Kulture began to record some of his freestyles on cassette tapes. After signing to Dick Scott Entertainment & Congo Square Productions when he was sixteen, Kulture was already on the path of becoming an established artist.


With his debut streaming album dropping in 2006, ‘Uhuru Movement’, Kulture Free-Dem pushed over 100,000 digital global units and instantly gained a classic-worthy status”. After taking a ten year hiatus from the music scene, Kulture Free-Dem is back to share his unique talent with the world.

To date, Kulture Free-Dem has four albums and nine singles/EPs in his Spotify discography. Some of his most popular tracks include the likes of ‘Brand New’, amassing almost sixty-thousand streams, ‘Dat New Street Talk’, gathering fifty-three thousand streams, and ‘Sik Mfkr’, with thirty-seven thousand streams. With numbers like that, there is no denying the fact that Kulture Free-Dem has cultivated a dedicated following of fans who will be eager to hear his upcoming single.


Our featured single, ‘Juss Barz’ by Kulture Free-Dem, is out on the 19th of November and will be available to stream on all major streaming platforms! The track lasts three minutes and thirty-three seconds and sits at a steady 91bpm. The single commences with a twenty-six second introduction that combines a steady percussive beat with subtle instrumentation and creatively layered vocals; setting the tone for the instigation of the main rap.

Kulture Free-Dem’s vocal color is effortless and stylistic; seamlessly synchronising with the melodic flow of the instrumental accompaniment. The systematic inclusion of panned backing vocals amalgamate with the main vocal to form a unique sound that reflects Kulture Free-Dem’s creative compositional talent. The repetitive flow of the memorable instrumental hook forms an almost hypnotic vibe, allowing for the main rap to deliver the creative diversity that makes this single engaging from start to finish.

The rhythmic lyricism showcases Kulture Free-Dem’s writing ability whilst also highlighting his performance talent as each line flows effortlessly into one another. By the time this track has finished, you’ll definitely have the catchy melody stuck in your mind; ensuring you hit that repeat button to have another listen. From the well balanced mix and eclectic melodic flow, to the impressive vocal performance, fans of Kulture Free-Dem, as well as those who appreciate new and creative music, will definitely want to hear this single.

Make sure you follow Kulture Free-Dem on social media to keep up to date with upcoming releases and performances!


ARTIST: Kulture Free-Dem

SINGLE: Juss Barz



Kulture Free-Dem, Category: Artist, Albums: Little Ricky, Silly, Equipt with Lyrics, Uhuru Movement, Singles: Pass That Shhh..., HONEY SMOKE, Honey Smoke, Personality, PERSONALITY, Top Tracks: Brand New, Dat New Street Talk, Rich by Now, Sic Mfkr, Pass That Shhh, Biography: KULTURE FREEDEM Hailing from the boroughs of New York City, Recording Artist & Rapper, Kulture Free-Dem AKA MC Ewl, has been hitting the ground running with music since his childhood single-digit years, and has garnered a very insatiable buzz and devoted fan base ever since., Monthly Listeners: 3350, Where People Listen: Buffalo, Brescia, Strasbourg, Frankfurt am Main, Los Angeles