Carl Scogland - Identity


Carl Scogland - Identity


Identity’ by Carl Scogland is out on October 14th and will be available to stream on all major streaming platforms!


Carl Scogland is a rising artist who burst onto the music scene in 2010. Having started playing music at the age of 12, the Austin-based singer/songwriter has honed his craft over the years to become the artist that he is today. Although he receives inspiration from a number of genres, Carl Scogland combines a variety of compositional elements to form his unique and authentic sound.

To date, Carl Scogland has eight releases in his online discography. One of his most popular releases, ‘Video Games’, has amassed almost twenty-eight thousand streams on Spotify alone. With a growing number of followers and listeners, there is no denying the fact that Carl Scogland is developing a dedicated following of loyal fans who will be eager to hear his upcoming album.

‘Identity’ by Carl Scogland is out on October 14th and will be available to stream on all major streaming platforms!


‘Identity’ by Carl Scogland is out on October 14th and will be available to stream on all major streaming platforms! 〰️


Identity’ by Carl Scogland is out on October 14th and will be available to stream on all major streaming platforms! Carl teamed up with local Austin producer and musician Clint Manning to solidify each of the fifteen tracks to produce the album that lasts around 51 minutes. Although ‘Identity’ is technically grouped under one genre classification, each track delivers a diverse range of compositional elements that showcase Carl Scogland’s songwriting talent.

The 15-track album centers around themes including self-reflection, personal loss, love, and relationship difficulties.

From the palm-muted electric guitar progression that merges with the foundational bass and steady percussion to form the perfect platform for the authentic vocal of ‘Waiting On You’, the cinematic strings, beautiful haronised backing vocals, and smooth acoustic vibe of ‘MaeLynne’, to impressive falsetto and catchy hook of ‘Identity’.

Identity contains numerous heartfelt pop and rock ballads that allow us to get to know Carl better on a personal and emotional level.

From the impressive production and memorable instrumentation to the authentic vocal performance, fans of Carl Scogland as well as those who appreciate new music will definitely want to hear his upcoming album. Make sure you follow Carl Scogland on social media to keep up to date with releases and performances. Carl plans to kick off the Identity tour in the Spring of 2023!