Part Time Genius by Sammy Rhett is out now
Part Time Genius by Sammy Rhett is out now and available to stream on all major streaming platforms!
Sammy Rhett is a rising artist who burst onto the music streaming scene in 2023. All the way from Virginia Beach to Honolulu, Rhett is best known for his work as the drummer for Buddha Council and for being the studio drummer for Easy Star Presents: JonQuan & Associates.
Having always had a natural affinity for music, Sammy Rhett has finally taken the plunge as a solo artist, amalgamating his years of experience after honing his “production skills, lyrical vision, and voice for a truly original Hip Hop experience.” Drawing inspiration “from Wu-Tang to random sounds from the natural world,” Rhett has formed a truly unique and authentic sound.
To date, Sammy Rhett has one album and two singles in his online discography. Some of his most popular releases on Spotify include the likes of GET UP, MAN ON A MISSION, and NO OTHER WAY. With a growing number of followers and listeners, Sammy Rhett is developing a dedicated following of loyal fans who will be eager to hear his new album Part Time Genius
Part Time Genius by Sammy Rhett is out now and available to stream on all major streaming platforms!
Part Time Genius by Sammy Rhett is out now and available to stream on all major streaming platforms! 〰️
Unleashing his extraordinary talent onto the world, Sammy Rhett’s new album, Part Time Genius, is now live and ready for to be streamed on all major streaming platforms. The nine-track record, spanning around twenty-six minutes, encapsulates Rhett’s versatile songwriting prowess, showcasing his undeniable talent as an artist.
Experience the hypnotic lyrical flow and imaginative vocal layering in MAN ON A MISSION, the compelling pull of the ominous synth lines and solid beats setting the stage for an infectious hook in NO OTHER WAY, and the smooth groove, immersive soundscape, and creative electronic elements that make GET UP another standout track.
The album offers the perfect balance of production and memorable instrumentation alongside Rhett’s authentic vocal delivery and lyricism. This new offering from Sammy Rhett is a must-listen for both his loyal fanbase and those seeking fresh music. To stay in the loop with his upcoming releases and performances, follow Sammy Rhett on social media and check out his official website.