NEXT KIDS WORLDWIDE - A Trendsetter in Youth Culture


NEXT KIDS WORLDWIDE - A Trendsetter in Youth Culture


Rebuilding Dreams: NEXT KIDS WORLDWIDE Inspires and Empowers Youth Globally

Los Angeles, CA – In the face of adversity, Tim Greene is on a mission to rebuild and expand NEXT KIDS WORLDWIDE, a philanthropic movement dedicated to empowering children through the arts and education. After a devastating fire destroyed his home and ten years of hard work, Greene’s commitment to making a positive impact on young lives remains unwavering.

Rebuilding Dreams: NEXT KIDS WORLDWIDE Inspires and Empowers Youth Globally


Rebuilding Dreams: NEXT KIDS WORLDWIDE Inspires and Empowers Youth Globally 〰️


Tim Greene’s journey began in North Philadelphia, where he grew up in a single-parent household of six. His life changed forever when Billie Jean King’s Philadelphia Freedoms Tennis Team introduced him to tennis. This pivotal moment led to a series of life-changing opportunities, including becoming a ball boy for tennis legends, winning numerous tennis tournaments, and receiving a scholarship to Princeton University’s tennis camp. Inspired by these experiences, Greene founded NEXT KIDS WORLDWIDE to offer similar opportunities to children worldwide.

Resilience and Recovery

Recently, a catastrophic fire destroyed Greene’s apartment complex, leaving him and many others with nothing but the clothes on their backs. “We all made it out safely, thanks to the great first responders,” Greene says. “But now, I’m starting from scratch again.” Despite this setback, his dedication to NEXT KIDS WORLDWIDE has only grown stronger. Greene plans to launch a crowdfunding campaign to rebuild and expand his initiatives, ensuring that more children can benefit from the programs.

NEXT KIDS WORLDWIDE: A Global Initiative

For over 15 years, NEXT KIDS WORLDWIDE has been introducing children aged 5 to 13 to positive platforms in seven different languages. The initiative aims to inspire excellence and keep children motivated through music videos, short films, and free motivational workshops. With over 100 million views combined, the impact of NEXT KIDS WORLDWIDE is undeniable. The platform has successfully helped kids gain business licenses, distribute laptops to students in need, and provide free tennis and golf lessons.

Empowering the Future

Greene’s vision for NEXT KIDS WORLDWIDE includes empowering kids to discover and nurture their talents in education, music, film, fashion, and beyond. The initiative emphasizes community service, positive self-expression, and cultural innovation. The platform offers a safe space for children to share their stories, achievements, and talents, fostering a global community of young humanitarians.

You will always see many recording artists holding up stacks of cash to their ears. But you have never seen kids hold up a stack of how many books that they have read. At Next Kids Worldwide one of the challenges will be to see how many books a kid can read each week. We will feature many of them on the network each week. Then you will see kids holding up stacks of books to their ears and the next kid will inspire the next kids worldwide to get into reading books again. Kids can’t be it if they don’t see it.

Join the Movement

Greene invites everyone to join the movement and support the next generation of musical architects, filmmakers, and entrepreneurs. “Music can positively influence people, especially young listeners,” Greene says. “It becomes a way to spread messages of resilience, empowerment, and social change.”

How to Get Involved

Supporters can contribute to the crowdfunding campaign, share NEXT KIDS WORLDWIDE links, and join the Next Kids internet cyber Street Team. For more information, visit the official website at

About Tim Greene

Tim Greene is a celebrated figure in entertainment, known for discovering and managing the legendary Rappin’ Granny. His extensive experience in radio and TV in Los Angeles and Philadelphia brings artistic integrity and commercial insight to NEXT KIDS WORLDWIDE. Greene continues to inspire and uplift young talents through his innovative and inclusive approach.

Media Contact: Tim Greene