Featured Artist - DJ Khatz


Featured Artist - DJ Khatz


Golden and Body by DJ Khatz are out now and available to stream on all major streaming platforms!


DJ Khatz, hailing from Los Angeles, is an emerging force in the Electronic Dance Music (EDM) scene. Known for his electrifying beats and ability to craft tracks that lift spirits and move bodies, DJ Khatz encapsulates the essence of EDM with a unique twist that keeps listeners hooked.

His music is a vibrant blend of catchy melodies and mesmerizing rhythms designed to elevate the listener’s experience. With two popular singles currently on Spotify, DJ Khatz is quickly making his mark. Golden has already amassed almost eight and half thousand streams and Body has gathered on Spotify alone.

As DJ Khatz continues to grow his presence in the EDM community, his dedicated following eagerly anticipates what he will bring out next. With a growing base of fans and an undeniable passion for music, DJ Khatz is a name to watch in the electronic music landscape.

Golden and Body by DJ Khatz are out now and available to stream on all major streaming platforms!


Golden and Body by DJ Khatz are out now and available to stream on all major streaming platforms! 〰️


Golden and Body by DJ Khatz are now electrifying the airwaves, available on all major streaming platforms.

Body clocks in at just under three minutes and maintains a pulse at 123 bpm. It begins with an elongated intro that gradually builds suspense before the beat drops. The track layers rhythmic synths with atmospheric effects, creating a rich soundscape. A pitch-shifted vocal weaves through the mix, enhancing rather than overwhelming the mesmerizing instrumental backdrop. As Body concludes, its hypnotic rhythm is sure to have listeners eagerly hitting the repeat button.

Golden, slightly longer at over three and a half minutes and set at a chill 115 bpm, features soft vocal tones that meld beautifully with the smooth, flowing instrumentation. Dynamic panning of instruments captivates and pulls the listener deeper into the musical journey. The track is structured with creatively timed breakdowns, keeping the engagement high from start to finish. By the end, the catchy melody of Golden will likely find a permanent spot on your playlist.


Both singles showcase DJ Khatz’s talent for balancing stellar production with innovative musical compositions. Whether you're a long-time fan or a newcomer to his music, these tracks are a must-listen. Don’t forget to follow DJ Khatz on social media to stay updated on his latest releases and live performances!